Policy &
Privacy Policy

Information Security Policy

Recently, cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and complicated. We work on various activities to strengthen information security by ensuring customers' safety and security against the threat to cyber attacks to our classified information such as information assets which we received from customers and information system and by thinking that it is our social duty to protect customers' assets such as personal information.

  • Purpose

    We manage and practice information security methodically and continuously based on Policy of Information Security.

  • Basic Approach

    We will comply with the laws, ordinances, guidelines, standards and other rules estabilshed by country.
    (2)Maintenance of Stable Business Infrastructure
    We manage and protect Information Asset to maintain stable business.
    (3)Providing Safe Products and Services
    We will supply secure products and services by Information Security managements.
    (4)Contribution to the Establishment of Safe Cyberspace
    We contribute to make safe cyberspace to enjoy the benefit safely for users. ※cyberspace=Internet or the other virtual space which is consist of Information systems and information communication network.
    (5)Information Security Management
    We promote and improve Information Security continuously through risk management.

Privacy Policy

JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has established the following personal information protection policy, established a system for protecting personal information, and ensures that all employees are fully aware of the importance of protecting personal information, and take steps to protect it. This promotes the protection of personal information.

  • Purpose of use of
    personal information

    Our company will use properly acquired personal information for the following purposes.
    (1) Sales activities such as providing information on products (including new products; the same applies hereinafter) (including information on holding exhibitions, etc.) and negotiating specifications, sales conditions, etc., as well as product research and development, production, shipping, and delivery. , related after sales services, procurement, customer management, contract fulfillment and administrative procedures.
    (2) Personal information regarding our employees will be used for employment and personnel management purposes.

  • Prohibition of disclosure/
    provision of personal information to third parties

    We will appropriately manage the personal information we receive and will not disclose it to any third party without the prior consent of the individual, except in the following cases.
    (1) When we have the consent of the person in question.
    (2) When based on laws and regulations
    (3) When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned.
    (4)When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy upbringing of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
    (5) In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with the national government, local governments, or their contractors in carrying out the affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the person concerned is likely to impede the execution of the affairs. If there is a risk In addition, in order to achieve the purpose of use mentioned in 1. above, our company may outsource some of its operations and disclose information to the subcontractor.

  • Joint use

    Through transactions, inquiries, exhibitions, etc., we collect the personal information of our customers and business partners (name,company/organization name, title, contact information (address of affiliated company, telephone number), fax number, e mail addr ess,etc.) address, etc.). Email address)) JTEKT group companies (JTEKT Corporation and Subsidiaries of JTEKT Corporation as stipula ted in Article 8, Paragraph 3 of the Rules Concerning Terms, Forms and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements, etc. and affiliated companies as stipulated in Paragraph 5 of the same article) The purpose of joint use is for sales activities such as negotiation of product information, specifications, sales conditions, etc. at each joint use destination. Please note that joint use will be managed by JTEKT Corporation. In addition, we will strive to handle personal information more carefully with group companies that share inform ati on and with customers and business partners who compete with us.

  • Security measures for personal information

    In order to keep the personal information entrusted to us accurate and up to date, and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, dam age,falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information, we maintain a management system, maintain security, and develop a management system. We will take necessary measures such as thorough employee training, implement safety measures, and strictly manage personal information.

  • Compliance and review of laws and regulations

    Our company will comply with Japanese laws and regulations and other norms applicable to the personal information it holds, and will review the contents of this policy from time to time and strive to improve it.

  • Contact Us

    For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us below. If you wish to inquire about, change, or suspend use of your personal information, we may ask you to confirm that you are the person in question or your legal representative, so please cooperate with us.

Contact information
JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS Co., Ltd. 3-45 Akatsuki Town, Seto City,
Aichi Pref. 489-8550
【Person in charge of handling
personal information】 
Planning and General Affairs Manager 