Health &
Safety Policy

Health management

Social Background

A way of thinking "The Health Management" to captured the employee's health is a management and to practice strategically spreads into the company while the social environmental change like increasing of national medical expenses and decreasing working age population. To assist health maintenance and promotion of health for the employee are adequacy of medical expense, improvement of productivity and a precondition for sustained growth of company. We regard such an expense is an investment for the future. It is demanded a company subjects to help the promotion of health and disease prevention for the employee.

Health Declaration

As part of our health management initiatives, JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS established a "Health Declaration" in June 2019, with the maintenance and promotion of health as a management issue. Based on this declaration, management and employees will work together to promote various initiatives to achieve goals so that employees and their families can lead healthier and more active lives.

I think that physical and mental health of our employees and their families is the most important and valuable for JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS CORP.
I declare things below.

①To aim at the working place in which each employee can work healthfully and lively.
②To support effort for our employees and their families to improve health and prevent diseases.
③To strive to make working place in which everyone can achieve work-life balance.

October, 2022 JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS CORP. President Takashi Morikawa

This declaration aims to.
①We will reduce the anxiety and burden on employees regarding their health and personal lives, and support them, including their families, so that they can work with peace of mind.
②We will improve productivity by creating a workplace and institutional environment that makes it easy for diverse human resources to work.
By achieving these goals, we aim to build a system where talented human resources can further grow the company and create the future of JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS. Our company will focus on investing in various measures in line with this declaration.

Health management strategy map

In order to put the Health Declaration into practice, we have created a health management strategy map to approach it from three main aspects, and we are using it to implement the PDCA cycle.
―Three aspects and main measures

1. Promoting personal health...improving lifestyle habits, mental health measures, etc.

2. Support for balancing work with personal life...promotion of vacation taking, welfare system, etc.

3. Creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace...Reducing long overtime hours, promoting vacation taking, etc.

Promotion system

Regarding various health management measures, all related departments surrounding employees work together to achieve a balance between employee health and personal life, and to create a workplace culture that is easy to work in and rewarding.
推進体制 推進体制

Evaluation from outside the company

―Excellent Health and Productivity Management CorporationIn 2019, we were certified as an "Excellent Health and Productivity Management Corporation," and have been certified for six consecutive years. In addition, we were certified in the "White 500" in 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, and 2024, which recognizes the top 500 companies certified as Excellent Health and Productivity Management Organizations (Large Enterprise Category). This system honors corporations that practice particularly excellent health management based on initiatives that address local health issues and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

―Aichi Health Management AwardRecognized by Aichi Prefecture as a company
that views employee health as an important health
resource and actively implements excellent initiatives to promote health management
with the aim of maintaining and improving employee health.
Received the 2018 Aichi Health Management Award (large corporation category).

―Gifu, land of clear streams Excellent health management companyOur company was awarded the 2023 Gifu Health and Productivity Management Excellence Company (Large Company Category) by Gifu Prefecture as an excellent company in the prefecture that actively engages in health and management.

―Sports Yell CompanyWe were certified as a "Sports Yell Company" by the Japan Sports Agency. Sports Yell Company is a system that certifies companies that actively implement sports to improve the health of their employees.

Setting KPIs related to health values

When promoting individual health, we have two KPIs: "obesity rate" and "smoking rate". Employee health numbers determined through regular health checkups are all important indicators that can affect daily performance due to deterioration. Among these, the "obesity rate" and "smoking rate" cannot be said to be good compared to the target values set by the target values set by the Health Insurance Society, and JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS is positioning this as something to focus on improving, setting targets and taking focused measures.

Towards lower obesity rates

The percentage of employees who were obese (BMI 25 or higher) in the 2022 health checkup was 27.0% (27.3% in 2021), showing improvement. In order to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, we have set the 2025 target KPI for obesity rate at 23% or less with a BMI of 25 or higher, and are encouraging all employees regardless of age. Masu. Specifically, 64 people with a BMI of 24.5 to 25.5 who believed that they could achieve their goals with a little effort were interviewed by public health nurses individually to review their lifestyle habits, and sent letters of encouragement to encourage them to do their best.

Lunch break walking

In fiscal 2022, the percentage of employees who have a habit of exercising (exercising twice a week for at least 30 minutes each time) is 32.5% (32.2% in fiscal 2021). This has continued to rise from 27.0% in fiscal 2019, suggesting that employees' health awareness is gradually improving and exercise habits are becoming established. With the aim of getting more employees into the habit of exercising, we have created a walking map around the company and are promoting walking during breaks to provide an easy opportunity to exercise. You can often see them walking together after lunch. Using a health support app installed in the beverage vending machines installed in the company, we have also started supporting employees in building exercise habits while having fun, such as by participating in walking events where they compete in the number of steps they take.
お昼休みにウォーキング お昼休みにウォーキング

Toward a complete smoking ban
on the premises

In May 2023, the president of JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS made a "smoking smoking-free" declaration. Smoking not only poses health problems for yourself, but passive smoking can also harm the health of those around you. We will continue our efforts to increase employee health awareness and reduce the smoking rate (targeting 27% by the end of 2025), with the goal of banning smoking on the premises by the end of 2025.

No Smoking Declaration

JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS considers the health of its employees to be more important than anything else. Smoking can harm not only your health but also the health of those around you. We aim to completely ban smoking on the premises by 2025 and reduce the smoking rate. For the health of yourself and your friends, try to quit smoking. The company will do its best to support you.

May 2023 Representative Director and President
General safety and health manager
Takashi Morikawa

敷地内全面禁煙に向けて 敷地内全面禁煙に向けて

Smoking cessation awareness for smokers

The overall smoking rate remains at a high level: 39.5% in 2020, 35.3% in 2021, 36.3% in 2022, and 36.0% in 2023. To support employees who wish to quit smoking, the company fully subsidizes the cost of attending a smoking cessation outpatient clinic (even if the employee drops out midway through, the cost of attending the clinic is fully subsidized). We encourage you to participate in the online smoking cessation program sponsored by the Health Insurance Society, which started in 2022. In fiscal 2023, five people will participate in efforts to quit smoking. (The cost subsidy for outpatient smoking cessation will be 20,000 yen per person, and a budget for 15 people will be secured in 2023) Furthermore, in the Health Insurance Society's health promotion campaign "Smoking Quit Strategy," group members are invited to participate in a quit smoking challenge, and they continue to do their best with the encouragement of their superiors, which is a good example of peer support. Since many of our new employees are teenagers, we are also putting effort into preventing new employees from smoking (preventing them from smoking for the first time).

Initiatives to improve
lifestyle habits

Providing healthy set meals
at the employee cafeteria

We have established employee cafeterias at each factory to create an environment where employees can choose and consume healthy meals on their own. All menus display calories, salt content, and the amount of vegetables you can consume. The eating rate of the company cafeteria is 71.2%, and it is popular not only with our employees but also with temporary workers and other employees of partner companies. The healthy set meals are so popular that they are sold out day after day, with the calorie and salt content taken into consideration, with people saying, "If you choose a healthy set meal, you will have the perfect balance."If you choose other set meals or noodles, you are free to choose a small bowl, but in the past, many people tended to choose a small bowl of fried food. After consulting with the dietitian and chef of the cafeteria management contractor, we increased the number of small bowls containing mainly vegetables, and as of 2023, sales of small fried dishes have decreased by 80% since the cafeteria was launched six years ago. As a result, sales of small bowls of vegetable dishes are increasing. It is thought that the number of people who can think of healthy menu items and consume them on their own has increased. We will continue to promote nutrition education as well as environmental improvement.

Improving health literacy

In order to improve the health literacy of our employees, we have set up a dedicated public health nurse site on our company website to disseminate health information. We introduce recommended health videos and conduct e-learning. We disseminate information to employees, emphasizing support for "communicating" as an important element in improving health literacy. In addition to improving their ability to know about their health and discern information, we also want them to improve their ability to seek advice, so public health nurses provide frequent feedback and advice.

Collaboration with health
insurance associations

JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS is working with the Toyota Related Parts Health Insurance Association to promote collaborative health. (Collaborative health: Health insurance unions and other insurers and business owners actively collaborate to effectively and efficiently promote health and disease prevention for union members based on a clear division of roles and a good work environment.)

Initiatives related to
health checkups and
prevention of aggravation

Regular health checkups are conducted in collaboration with the health insurance company, and the annual checkup rate is 100%. As a result of the health checkup, employees who are deemed to need a thorough examination or medical examination will receive a notice recommending that they undergo a checkup, and all employees who have completed the checkup will be interviewed by a public health nurse to discuss the details of the doctor's instructions and precautions to take in their daily lives. is shared with the person. Public health nurses frequently contact people who refuse to undergo a secondary health checkup to encourage them to receive a checkup. We place emphasis on blood pressure control as an effort to prevent the disease from worsening. In fiscal 2022, the percentage of employees undergoing treatment for blood pressure was 7.0% of those receiving regular health checkups. Of these, 63.8% are well-controlled through regular hospital visits and oral medication. We conduct regular interviews with industrial physicians and public health nurses to ensure reliable outpatient treatment.

■Our health checkup
implementation status, etc.

2020 2021 2022
Periodic health
100 100 100 100
Response rate to
87 91.2 90.2 84.6
Stress check
test rate
100 99.4 99.6 98.4
Stomach cancer
75 49.9 71.7 70.6
Colorectal cancer
90 92.5 95.4 92.1
Breast cancer
70 50 68 70.4
Cervical cancer
70 46.7 51.7 45.2
Family health
60 40.3 55.1 56
Percentage of
maintain a
healthy weight
77 69.7 67.1 67.4

Specific health guidance initiatives

Our inhouse public health nurse provides all specific health guidance. This allows us to take advantage of the benefits of being able to get to know each other and provide guidance tailored to the lives of the target people. In collaboration with the Health Insurance Society, we are distributing a health guide to all eligible employees and providing guidance accordingly. In fiscal 2021, the initial implementation rate of specific health guidance was 100%, and the completion rate was 97.5% (95.9% in fiscal 2020) (guidance is currently being implemented in fiscal 2022). In addition, from the perspective of preventing the disease from worsening, we are also providing guidance to people who are currently undergoing treatment who can be excluded from guidance, and to people under 40 who meet the criteria to raise awareness among younger people. As the average age increases, the number of people we receive guidance from is 40 years old or older and 39 years old or younger, both in terms of active support and motivational support.Therefore, we will continue to provide health guidance as we believe that health support is necessary from a young age.

Health questionnaire

A health survey is conducted every March for all members of the Health Insurance Society. Health habits, etc. are answered, the results are compiled by the Health Insurance Society, and the information is shared along with the analysis results of the health checkup data at the "Top Council" at each business site. Based on these results, we review next year's health activity plan and run the PDCA cycle. Our company's "number of good health habits" is 3.0 in 2023 (2.9 in 2022, the health insurance goal is 4 or more), which is an upward trend compared to the previous year. However, the level of achievement continues to be low, especially in terms of eating and sleeping, and we will continue to work on promoting breakfast intake and providing education on sleep.
Item Good lifestyle habits
(The question is a medical interview)
Smoking Don't smoke
Two or more of the following apply
Engage in sweat-promoting
exercise for at least 30
minutes at least twice a week.
Walk or do similar exercise for
at least 1 hour a day.
Walk faster than other people
of the same age.
Three or more of the following apply
Don't eat too fast.
Eating dinner less than 3 times
a week within 2
hours of
going to bed.
Avoid snacks and sweet drinks.
Skip breakfast less than
3 times a week.
Drinking Less than 2 cups of sake every day / Sometimes less
than 3 cups of sake / Not drinking at all.
Sleep Sleep gives you enough rest.

Health Challenge

Every year during the three-month period from September to November, the Healthma Challenge, an autumn health promotion campaign sponsored by the Health Insurance Company, is held, during which employees find their own health promotion habits from the three aspects of diet, exercise, and dental care, set goals, and continue working hard to achieve them during the three-month period. During the Health Challenge period, each employee works on what he or she can do, and the company cafeteria is a good place for employees to achieve their dietary goals, with employees choosing menus based on their own ideas.During the period, the cafeteria also offers miso soup with plenty of vegetables to encourage employees to have fun and work from the perspective of dietary education.

Mental Health Measures

We are actively working to improve mental health so that employees can work not only physically but also mentally in good health and abundance. As one of these efforts, stress checks are conducted, and the inspection rate was 98.4% in FY2022.In FY2022, 0 of the high-stress employees requested an interview with a doctor, but several requested an interview with a public health nurse. We believe it is important to take mental health measures through regular communication and relationship building. The company's own workplace management questionnaire is conducted at the same time as the stress check, and the results of the organizational analysis are fed back to each department to engage in workplace improvement activities aimed at creating an open workplace. Our goal is not only to improve the weaknesses of our own workplaces, but also to take advantage of their strengths. In FY2022, there were 11 new beneficiaries with psychiatric illnesses, including 1 in their 20s, 7 in their 30s, 2 in their 40s, and 1 in his 50s. The number of new and continuing recipients of injury and illness benefits is on a downward trend.In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, we support the return to work of employees who have been absent or on leave due to mental illness. The main focus is on preventing recurrence, and support is provided in cooperation with the attending physician, industrial physicians, and outside organizations as needed.
(Reference index: Of the 25 employees who left the company in FY2022 (average length of service: 8.6 years), the percentage of those whose reason for leaving was related to high stress was 0%.)

Establishment of Health Care Office

Since fiscal year 2016, we have been developing internal health prevention activities by making public health nurses employees and stationed in the company. Furthermore, from FY2017 to FY2019, we established "health management offices" at all plants to serve as bases for employee health promotion. The Health Office receives about 60 consultations a month company-wide, and is used daily as a place where employees can feel free to seek advice on their own health, human relations, family health (childcare, nursing care, etc.), and personal concerns. In order to build a mutual face-to-face relationship so that employees can consult with each other immediately in times of trouble or distress, the public health nurses continue to talk to employees during their daily factory patrols.
健康づくりの拠点  健康管理室の設置
健康づくりの拠点  健康管理室の設置

Infection Control Measures

In order to respond to new coronavirus infections, related departments are working together to collect information on new coronavirus infections and take measures to prevent inhouse infections. We are implementing various measures such as conducting frequent health checks of employees in the company, preparing an internal response manual and updating it according to the situation, installing more alcohol for hand sanitizing, avoiding close contact by dispersing offices and meal times in the cafeteria, and implementing telecommuting. Although the situation is likely to become more severe in the future, we will continue our infection prevention measures, placing the health and safety of our employees as our top priority. For seasonal influenza, we provide group inoculations against influenza and subsidize the cost of inoculations. During the epidemic season, we monitor the company-wide influenza outbreak status to prevent infection in the workplace, and disseminate information on the outbreak date, virus type, etc. to each workplace to prevent the spread of infection.

Enhanced work-life balance

To enhance work-life balance, we are working to correct long working hours and encourage employees to take annual paid leave. The number of employees whose overtime work exceeded 45 hours in FY2022 was 1,788 (1,693 in FY2021). In order to manage the health of employees who work long hours, interview guidance by a doctor or public health nurse is provided to employees who have worked many overtime hours. During the interview, the industrial physician checks the state of fatigue and work conditions, and if it is determined that fatigue is accumulating, overtime work restrictions and lifestyle guidance are implemented for the following month. The number of days of annual paid leave taken in FY2022 was 15.1 days. We will review our medium-term target (2025) to set a higher level, share and follow up on the status of leave use at management meetings, and promote leave use in cooperation with the labor union.

Effectiveness and
verification of each

To improve health issues, we are implementing a variety of approaches and measures for employees, with the goal of raising employee health awareness by emphasizing information dissemination and careful communication to improve the two KPIs (obesity rate and smoking rate). The improvement of employee performance is manifested in the health of each and every employee. We quantify presenteeism, absenteeism, and other factors through periodic employee questionnaires and other means to confirm their status.
  2020 2021 2022
Absenteeism 1.3 days/
2.2 days/
2.7 days/
Presenteeism (※2) 70
Work engagement (※2) 2.0points(※4) 2.7points(※4)
Number of
employees on
leave due to injury
or illness

(※1)Average for all employees of the number of days absent from work due to injury or
illness and the number of days of leave due to injury or illness, and the number of days of
use of the sick leave system.

(※2)Until FY2020, measurement methods are different and not comparable.

(※3)Independent employee survey on activity, communication, and concentration.

(※4)Average of all employees' scores on the two items included in the new brief
occupational stress questionnaire.

Occupational safety

Health and Safety Policy

To kick off our health and safety
initiatives for FY2022, the president issued a message to all employees stating that safety is our number one priority.
JTEKT JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS, Ltd. December 14, 2022

Health and Safety Policy

December 14, 2022 President Takashi Morikawa

JTEKT GEAR SYSTEMS promotes workplace safety, hygiene, and improvement of the work environment based on the common corporate understanding that safety comes first. We are committed to providing a healthy, safe, and secure workplace for our employees and all those who work there.

Conduct risk assessment

In addition to cases where implementation is required by law, such as in the handling of chemical substances, we conduct assessments of machinery, equipment, and work methods on a regular basis. By verbalizing the processes that lead to accidents, we clarify clarifyth e inherent risks, evaluate and examine the risk level in terms of severity of injury and urgency, and take appropriate measures to preve nt accidents. The Safety and Health Committee also shares information on the occurrence of accidents in the Group, the progress of activity plans, and the status of countermeasures against serious accidents, in order to improve the level of safety management throughout the compan company.

Promotion Structure

Each worksite is led by a "Safety and Health Committee" organized in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Law, and while effectively utilizing this committee, reflects the opinions of all employees working within each worksite to resolve issues, including problems specific to each worksite.
推進体制 推進体制

Safety education

We provide safety education to employees not only at the time of acceptance, but also through daily Zero Accident activities, reminders posted on bulletin boards, and opportunities to inform employees of near near-misses and examples of accidents at other companies.In addition to providing training on occupational safety and health and traffic safety to new employees, the Company conducts in inhouse safety a wareness activities in conjunction with national events such as Safety Week and Occupational Health Week. In addition, we provide safety education at the "Safety Dojo" using a variety of hands-on equipment to raise employee safety awa reness.

Occupational Accidents

Aiming for zero occupational accidents, we have established a system to compare the number of accidents by department, etc. with the industry average by frequency rate, while using the number of accidents as the main indicator.